The Influence of Gen Z on the Future of Influencer Marketing
The Influence of Gen Z on the Future of Influencer Marketing
By Manjul Wadhwa.

I have news to break to you—engagement rates on Instagram fell by roughly 30% in 2022, and overall reach also took a hit.
Most of our breaks and time-outs are spent scrolling on our screens at our own pace, with Instagram Reels reigning supreme in terms of content engagement.
Even that pedestal seems a little shaky these days. A report by Socialinsider revealed a surprising 20% year-on-year drop in engagement on Reels.

So, what does this tell us about the future of content, social media, and influencer marketing?

If you’re curious, scroll through this post. You’re in for a ride on the roller coaster that both social media and influencer marketing are riding while catering to Gen Z’s rapidly evolving preferences.

The Influence of Gen Z on the Future of Influencer Marketing

Content Trajectory in 2024

We’re approaching the end of 2024, and one thing remains constant: marketing is always changing. The landscape continues to evolve, and there’s no sign of this dynamic shift slowing down anytime soon.

Social media platforms have undeniably taken centre stage. How, you ask?

Just think about how often you pick up your phone for a quick update on world affairs and find your fingers landing on Instagram or YouTube. It’s almost second nature at this point. These platforms are the libraries of our digital world. But are they starting to lose their magic?

The truth is, we’re bombarded with content. We find ourselves lost in a sea of posts, stories, and videos coming at us from all angles. And with so much out there to consume, it’s inevitable that some content gets hidden away, drowned in the noise.

What we’re seeing here are the early signs of content fatigue.

The Gen Z Factor: Mastering the Art of Capturing Attention

Brands are scrambling to catch up with Gen Z’s preferences, learning how to speak their language and, as they say, “rizzing them up.”

But here’s the tricky part—Gen Z has a unique way of communicating. They are pros at the selective hearing and quick to move on from content that doesn’t immediately grab their interest.

Consider this: another study highlighted that Gen Z loses active attention for advertising in as little as 1.3 seconds. That’s not a lot of time to capture their focus.

Moreover, the Business of Fashion (BoF)-McKinsey State of Fashion 2024 report revealed that 68% of respondents feel overwhelmed by the overflow of sponsored content on social media.

This begs the question–is influencer marketing losing its charm?

Is Influencer Marketing Losing Its Spark?

That’s a bold statement—and not an entirely accurate one.

The sheer volume of content out there makes influencer marketing more important than ever. It’s a powerful channel for brands to break through the noise and connect with consumers in a meaningful way.

However, the challenge lies in cracking the code to understand what Gen Z wants. Once you figure that out, the path becomes much clearer. So, what is Gen Z asking for?

  1. Authenticity
  2. Entertainment
  3. Relatability

These three pillars are what will determine your success in reaching this audience. Both your brand’s persona and the influencers you collaborate with need to align with these expectations.

Why Smaller Might Be Better?

Now, let’s talk influencers. You mustn’t fall for the big numbers under the follower count. Many have said it before, and I’ll say it again—micro-influencers are the future.

That being said, even this trend may hit its saturation point. Gen Z is a savvy, conscious generation, and they will eventually start questioning your brand message if there’s even one bit of oddness, especially if it doesn’t align with the values they care about.

The key here is consistency and credibility!

Even when you’re working with micro-influencers, choose individuals whose values and messages already echo your brand’s ethos, even if they haven’t endorsed you yet.

Look beyond follower count and dive into how these influencers interact with their audiences.

It’s not about a one-time campaign. The goal is to build long-term relationships and create a genuine connection between your brand and the influencers. Authenticity is the currency in the influencer world.

What’s Next for Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing isn’t dying—it’s shifting. The opportunities remain vast, especially with Gen Z at the forefront of this change.

What’s crucial is to understand that this generation demands more than just flashy ads or celebrity endorsements. They want brands and influencers who are real, entertaining, and relatable.

Authenticity isn’t a buzzword; it’s the foundation for building trust with a generation that’s hyper-aware of what’s real and what’s not. Find the influencers who mirror your values, focus on building genuine connections, and embrace the evolving content landscape.

At the end of the day, influencer marketing is far from over—it’s simply changing course. And if we can keep up, there’s plenty of room to grow and engage with the audiences that matter most.

By Manjul Wadhwa
CEO and Founder
Anagram Media Labs & Inflyx